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cherche partenaire

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 cherche partenaire
Date: 13/06/2002 11:23

je m'appele valerie et j'ai 20 ans et je suis québecoise. Je cherche un ou une partenaire pour aller au perou et en bolévie. Je part du 15 juillet au 15 aout et j'arrive a lima. Je suis une fille enthousiasme qui n'as pas peur des défi et qui n'as pas vraiment d'itinéraire de pré établie.Si tu as le gout d'aventure et que tu n'as pas froid au yeux donnes moi de tes nouvelles. En passant, je ne parle pas tres bien l'espagnol

 Re: Welcome to Peru
Date: 30/07/2002 15:17

Hi Axel - I am thinking about coming on a trip to peru this December. I want to go to visti Cusco (machu pichu), a trip down the amazon and go to the galapagos islands. Any suggestions on what else? Also, I've been hearing that it's not safe to come there from the US now, is this true? My wife and I are indian (east), and would like to make a trip there ....
thanks for your help.

 Re: Welcome to Peru
Date: 30/08/2002 13:25

Helo Raja.
This is Jhonatan from Lima-Peru.i read your message, i want to tell you,
now is safer to come from the US.
I think i can help you to give you an idea how you could arrang your
trip to Peru.
i would like to know when you are coming to Peru
& how long you will stay here , to give you up to date information.
I hope to hear from you.

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